Giving Your Heart Away

Source Extracted from Google
It's odd isn't it, how the most amazing and comforting feeling of love can also be so terrifying and leave you in a state vulnerability to the person you entrust with your heart. And in this one moment when you decide to give your heart to someone, you give them this titanic power to dictate your emotions, to make you smile on days when you just want to cry, to be jealous when you try hard not to be, to make you breakdown in tears when they do you wrong, and to make the most scared you have ever been in life that they could steal your heart and walk out of your life, or even worst, they could shatter your heart in to a thousand pieces causing a pain like no other.

In the end, it all comes down to one thing: trusting another soul to protect and not hurt your heart even when they have the ability too. And some of you who are reading these very words might be thinking, whether of thinking back to past relationships or seeing it from other people or how you're feeling right now, how there must be a lot of untrustworthy people in this world to account for the countless broken hearts and tears caused by love. 

But I think it's actually cause even though we feel like the person we love can do no wrong, we forget they are human and are bound to make mistakes no matter how careful they are not to. So when you're giving your heart with someone, just trust them to hold on to it as tight as they can. Your heart could get some bumps and bruises and it could get hurt, but no relationship is ever made to perfection and it's hard to not crack something so fragile. So have faith in love and in the person you love. Most importantly, trust yourself that the reason you're giving your heart away is because that one person was already deemed worth it to give your all too; so don't easily give up on them when they make a couple of mistakes. And if your heart does break, never be afraid to one day give your heart to someone else who will put the pieces of your heart back to get and protect it.

And also remember, even though it's scary giving your heart away, the other person is probably just scared giving theirs to you as well. So be courageous to give part of you to someone else, because believe me when I say love is worth the risk.

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