Membantu Anak-Anak Mengawal Tutur Bicara Mereka Di Hadapan Umum...

Farah Waheda Wahid
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Anak kalau keletah berkomunikasi ni memang seronok melihat telatah dan mendengar pertuturan mereka. Rasa macam seronok ajer... Masa tu kan, adalah "moment" di mana kita sebagai ibu bapa boleh rasa bahagia sangattt... Errr, terutama "first time Mommy" macam Farah kan? Merasai dan melalui pengalaman itu di hadapan mata sendiri, zuriat sendiri. Ada pelbagai bauran rasa gembira dan bahagia yang bertamu di hati kaedahnya. 

Tapi, seronok-seronok juga...Macam risiko anak boleh terjatuh pada keadaan tidak terduga ketika baru mendapat kaki, begitu jugalah dengan bila anak sudah pandai bertutur...Ada risikonya juga...Ngeh ngeh ngeh... Risiko "kids say the darndest things!"... atau dalam kata mudahnya... anak bercakap mengikut sedap mulut tanpa melihat keadaan sekeliling atau memahami kesesuaian sesuatu keadaan... Iyalah, "judgement sense" mereka masih sedang dibina gittew...Nak salahkan mereka pun tak boleh juga... Mereka baru kenal dunia dan baru ada "pleasure of talking" tu kannn???

Mereka kadang-kadang akan melepaskan sesuatu perbualan itu tanpa memikirkan bagaimanakah penerimaan orang lain tentang apa yang mereka katakan dan bagaimanakah perasaan orang lain. Kadang-kadang sampai satu peringkat tu, wajah ibu bapa boleh jadi memerah "uolss"...Ha ha ha... Bila anak menghamburkan kata-kata yang tidak sepatutnya dikeluarkan kepada umum atau orang lain... Contohnya...

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Kadang-kadang tu, bukan pada orang lain...ha ha ha, dengan mak-mak dengan abah-abah sekali terkena, sebagai contoh... 

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Gulppp... Kadang-kadang boleh jadi tergelak, kadang-kadang boleh jadi termalu, kadang-kadang boleh jadi tak terkata. Gelak-gelak juga, kelakar-kelakar juga, tapi tak boleh juga kalau dibiarkan sebab takut menjadi kebiasaan. Takut terbawa-bawa sehingga ke besar nanti cakap main ikut sedap mulut tak ikut kesesuaian tempat dan keadaan... 

Dalam bab ni, bagaimana kita dapat membantu anak-anak di dalam mengawal tutur bicara mereka di hadapan umum? Mengikut perkongsian satu artikel yang Farah sempat baca di SINI

By appealing to their dominant sense, parents can help children avoid making hurtful comments. It is not unusual for young children who are learning to express themselves and to navigate social behaviour feel the need to comment on something they shouldn't.

We as parents often rush to silence them and say our apologies in order to prevent hurt feelings, but our child can be left somewhat confused as to what they have said or done to cause the problem. 

If what they have said is not untrue, just inappropriate, or something taboo and not to be commented on, this can be especially hard for a young child to understand. Often, appealing to their dominant sense both for what they say and also for how they hear, will give them the ability to create positive comments rather than the inappropriate ones.

For visual children what they see - and how they are seen - is extremely important. My visual brother to this day will comment on my weight, not meaning to be critical, but because he equates something being emotionally wrong with me if I'm too thin or fat. Asking bout my weight is his way of asking if everything is OK in my life.

Visual children will comment, sometimes inappropriately about what they see, especially if something is visually off or new. If you are aware of their motivations for their comments, like "you're too fat", "you're bald" or even odd things like "people with blue eyes are scary", you will know how to show them a better way - by commenting on visual similarities.

Auditory children remember every word spoken to them and often repeat things said on the quiet at home, to the person in question. As these children respond to logic and have a keen sense of meaning. Teaching them how something is said, and the appropriateness of when to say it, will go a long way toward their development of empathy.

Changing one word in a sentence can be the difference between hurt feelings and gratitude. By teaching your auditory child these tools, they will be able to express themselves freely, but with sensitivity. 

Visiting one of my clinics, a tactile boy who was three, became very upset about another boy a year or so older than him who was in a wheelchair. The thought of not being able to run, jump and wrestle equated to non-expression. He was adamant that this child was dying and expressed loudly this viewpoint. 

Once I explained that actually, he could move a lot, and that he just had wheels for legs, he immediately was relieved, ran over to the boy, to race him, and they have been steady friends ever since. 

Alleviating this child's fears by explaining a tactile value worked 100 times better than if his mum was to say, "Don't say that, it's not nice.".

Taste and smell children, of course, are very conscious of the emotions surrounding comments, and can end up being more upset at offending someone than the offended person. Teaching these sensory children how to make amends is very important. 

They need to know the world doesn't end because of hurt feelings and that there are ways to "take back" insensitive comments. This will also teach them not to be so sensitive to others' insensitivity, because everybody sometimes says things thoughtlessly.

We all say things that can be misunderstood. Children are still learning to navigate the social matrix of expression. Explaining situations to them through their dominant sense will enable them to understand more fully the implications of verbal comments and how best to internally edit them. 

McClatchy-Tribune Information Services
Priscilla Dunstan is a child and parenting behaviour expert and consultant, and the author of Child Sense.
Sedari kecil, anak-anak perlu diajar secara perlahan-lahan bagaimana untuk mengawal tutur bicara mereka di hadapan umum, orang kata melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya yer tak? Satu perkara yang sebenarnya semua ibu bapa patut berikan penekanan dan juga perhatian di dalam sama-sama mendidik anak-anak masing-masing...Termasuklah diri ini... Bila anak tidak mengawal tutur bicara mereka ketika baru belajar bertutur, baru belajar untuk mengekspresikan perasaan atau meluahkan, mereka memang kelihatan comel... Akan tetapi, kita perlu ingat...Bila mereka semakin membesar... Perkara itu bukanlah satu perkara yang comel lagi dah... Lain dah jadinya...Kannn??? 

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  1. betul..PC sentiasa berhati hati bila bercakap terutama bila disekeliling ramai kanak kanak..mereka sentiasa mencerap apa saja setiap patah perkataan yang kita orang dewasa tuturkan..dan lagi satu yang perlu ibu bapa ambil berat..jangan sesekali bertengkar di hadapan anak..

  2. kanak3 mcm span kn otak depa.

    ena tag awak sini

  3. Melatih anak-anak untuk bicara didepan umum dan sesuai dengan keadaan lingkungannya berada juga terbukti meningkatkan kreatifitas dan intelegensianya...

  4. Serius, lagi2 cara hormat orang tua bila berjumpa pun kena ajar, sebab dari kecil ni lah semua dia serap wpun byk kali ajar pun belum dapat pandai sepenuhnya...usaha tanpa jemu

  5. Anak mudah mengikut.. Jadi kena kawal...

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